Upcoming Live Events

안스타 유튜브 크리에이터 “온라인 비즈니스: 유튜브에서 찾아보는 커피 시장과 기회” Ahnstar, YouTube Creator “Real Digital Reach: Opportunities Found on Youtube to Define Your Market"
안스타는 한국에서 커피에 관련된 다양한 콘텐츠를 만들어 전달하는 유튜버입니다.

김병기 프릳츠커피 대표 “기업 문화와 브랜드의 성장 비하인드" BK Kim, Fritz Coffee "Behind the Scenes: Stories to Grow Company Culture and Brand Together"
BK is co-founder, representative of Fritz coffee company.

송길영 바이브컴퍼니 부사장 “Coffee, Coffeeness: 데이터가 말하는 커피 소비와 라이프스타일 변화" Gil Young Song, VAIV Company “Market & Data: Changes in our LIfestyle, Coffee, and Coffeeness"
Dr. Gilyoung, Song proudly calls himself a ‘Mind Miner’. He has been rigorously working on reading and interpreting the thoughts of people buried in social big data, a huge repository of stories and memories of people’s everyday lives. Thriving on the insights accumulated from his work, Gilyoung is contributing on improving various aspects of activities in both public and commercial sectors.

커피 리테일 서밋: 3일차 - 한국Coffee Retail Summit 2022: Day 3 - Korea | 2022
2022 커피 리테일 서밋의 세번째이자 마지막 일정은 한국의 커피 소비 시장에 대한 이야기로 마무리 됩니다. 한국 커피 소매업 전문가들에게 특별한 영감을 줄 수 있는 기회와 도전에 대한 논의를 놓치지 마세요. 새로운 시대의 적응과 성장을 위해 각자의 비즈니스에서 활용할 수 있는 데이터, 연결, 기업문화, 브랜딩에 대한 탐구와 논의에 함께하세요.
참고: 한국 세션은 한국 시간 오전 10시부터 시작합니다
The third and final day of Coffee Retail Summit 2022 will conclude with a focus on the coffee retail market in Korea. Join us as we explore and discuss upcoming opportunities and challenges, unique insights for coffee retailers, and how coffee retail businesses can use their unique position as hubs for connection, learning, and personal expression to overcome obstacles, adapt, and grow.
Note: This session will begin promptly at 10:00am (Korea Standard Time)

Jenny Bonchak and Samuel Magtanong, hosted by Maya Ives Crowley “Coffee is Just the Beginning: the Value of Product Diversification”
Product Evolution Panel: Samuel Magtanong, Jenny Bonchak

Damian Durda, Ron Shuler, and Sam Spillman, hosted by Elizabeth Odulshola “Retail Technology: What, When, and How Can it Benefit Your Business?”
Technology Panel: Ron Shuler, Sam Spillman, and Damian Durda

Mansi Chokshi and Alina Sur, hosted by Jasmin Addy-McGinnis “The People Panel: Different Approaches to Staffing at the Retail Level”
People Panel: Mansi Chokshi, Alina Sur, hosted by Jasmin McGinnis

Kim Elena Ionescu “Making Sense of Macro Data: Using the US Market Overview Report”
Kim Elena Ionescu/Insights from the US Market Report

Coffee Retail Summit 2022: Day 2 - United States
Day two of Coffee Retail Summit 2022 will focus on the coffee retail market in the United States. Join us as we explore and discuss upcoming opportunities and challenges, unique insights for coffee retailers, and how coffee retail businesses can use their unique position as hubs for connection, learning, and personal expression to overcome obstacles, adapt, and grow.
Note: This session will begin promptly at 9:00am (Pacific Standard Time)/12:00pm (Eastern Standard Time)

A Conversation With Dominika Poniatowska of Costa Coffee
Dominika Poniatowska is a Portfolio & Insight Manager with the Costa Coffee team where she is currently responsible for portfolio management including matching the assortment to sales segments, determining pricing strategy and adapting promotional mechanisms to shopper needs.

Paul Simmons “The New Luxury Era”
Paul Simmons is a strategist specialising in fashion, music and sports. With a background in research Paul helps clients on a variety of strategic challenges; from brand positioning and new product development, through to digital content and campaign strategy.

A Conversation with Michael Nagel of BibeCoffee
Michael Nagel leads the International Expansion of BibeCoffee, a Telemetry solution that makes it possible to connect both semi-automatic barista machines and fully automatic machines of any brand on one platform. BibeCoffee helps coffee roasters and chains to standardize cup quality, transform commercial models and streamline maintenance.

Jessica Worden “Scaling for Good”
Jessica is most well known for leading GAIL's Bakery to define good coffee in the hearts and minds of neighborhoods across London and surrounding areas…

Coffee Retail Summit 2022: Day 1 - Europe
The first day of Coffee Retail Summit 2022 will focus on the coffee retail market in Europe. Join us as we explore and discuss upcoming opportunities and challenges, unique insights for coffee retailers, and how coffee retail businesses can use their unique position as hubs for connection, learning, and personal expression to overcome obstacles, adapt, and grow.
Note: This session will begin promptly at 10:00am (Central European Time)