Welcome to the Partner Resources page—a hub for resources provided by our Coffee Retail Summit partners.

Touchless Ordering
Expressing a personal choice in a self-serve approach has suddenly moved from a relaxed and happy interaction with a common display/touch screen, prior to 2020, to a more conscious and ultimately worrisome event in the aftermath of the rampant virus.
Read more from Coffee Retail Summit’s supporting partner, Franke.

Iced Coffee Negroni - Marco FRIIA and Ottomatic®
A classic coffee cocktail, celebrated due to its simplicity. Made in minutes, this beverage delivers a unique flavour and a burst of energy! Brought to you by Marco and Chemex®, Ottomatic® Coffeemaker.
Learn More by visiting marcobeveragesystems.com

Explaining the Franke iQFlow
iQFlow™ is a disruptive Franke technology that revolutionizes the traditional espresso extraction concept. It extracts more flavor under constant pressure throughout the entire extraction time than previous systems. It enables you to design your individual taste profile. Each pre-set taste profile is ensured in real time.
Learn more by visiting franke.com

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