Touchless Ordering

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The COVID-19 pandemic has had an indelible impact on the self-serve aspects of just about every industry.  

Partner Resource provided by Franke.

Expressing a personal choice in a self-serve approach has suddenly moved from a relaxed and happy interaction with a common display/touch screen, prior to 2020, to a more conscious and ultimately worrisome event in the aftermath of the rampant virus. The action of choosing a coffee beverage, whether at a breakfast buffet in a hotel or in a convenience store environment, is now destined to move forward in a more attentive way, where hygiene and safety concerns must be resolved before the customer even anticipates ordering.

Mindful of this moment of anticipation and decision, contactless methods in self-serve are a priority. Franke Coffee Systems has developed its Touchless Ordering to promote long-term precautions that ensure health and hygiene standards as well as to alleviate any potential stress that could be associated with choosing a self-serve coffee from a common display screen. The easy-to-implement system for the company’s portfolio of fully automatic coffee machines is based on a QR-code displayed on the coffee machine’s selection screen. Once scanned, that specific coffee machine’s beverage menu is automatically displayed on the customer’s personal device or smartphone. The digital service is easy to use and is compatible with any mobile operating system.

Promoting a safe interaction, Franke’s Touchless Ordering method also allows the coffee beverage selection process to become more personal. The user interacts solely with their own personal device as they chose their drink style, flavors, and milk preferences. At the same time, each choice still remains anonymous as there are no app downloads or registration requirements. 

Including the Touchless Ordering feature on a Franke coffee machine in the self-serve environment holds an added benefit for the vendor, as well. Less physical interaction with the machine reduces the number of guests and customers who need to congregate around the machine at any given moment, including during high traffic times, assuring all involved that the appropriate social distancing measures can be maintained without limiting access to their preferred coffee beverage.

At Franke we create wonderful coffee experiences for your customers and help you to provide the perfect in-cup quality while solving any challenges that stand in the way of your coffee business. Because, whatever business you’re in, we know it’s about more than coffee. It’s all about the moment.

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