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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment

As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?

Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

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25 Feature

ESG for You and Me

For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →


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Seoul Spaces
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Seoul Spaces

Following Starbucks’ successful penetration of the Korean market approximately 20 years ago as a third space for people to escape from their highly standardized, cube-like apartment dwellings and offices, individual specialty cafés now lead the way with new types of spaces. SEO YOUNG YOUN brings 25 on a tour of Seoul’s most cutting-edge coffee spaces.

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Designing for the Forgotten Sense - 25, Issue 8
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Designing for the Forgotten Sense - 25, Issue 8

What has the taste of your coffee got to do with acoustic design? Professor CHARLES SPENCE of Oxford University’s Crossmodal Research Laboratory explains the impact sound has on your perception of flavor.

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Design Trends
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Design Trends

Hundreds of submissions to Design in Coffee give the SCA a unique insight into the biggest trends sweeping design practice in specialty coffee each year.

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Designing & Building a Café
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Designing & Building a Café

Explore the most critical issues (and mistakes) owners face during the design and build-out process when opening a new café across floor plan design, health and building codes, equipment, cost estimates, timelines, and more

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The Building Blocks of a Café
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The Building Blocks of a Café

Since 2010, Ralf Rueller and his team at The Barn Coffee Roasters have been doing pioneering work in Berlin’s specialty coffee scene, exploring how to build an audience, lower barriers, and make specialty coffee work in the city.

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NEW Market Research

The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview

Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →