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Spotlight: Market Research
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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
Explore the Latest Resources

A Career in Coffee: Why It Can and Should Happen
While baristas and other coffee professionals may find it hard to make millions, they should be able to make sustainable wages while also developing as a professional. What are ways that cafés, roasting companies, and other coffee industry organizations can provide this working environment?

Ric Rhinehart | The Future for Specialty Coffee
We have a little tradition at Re:co, when Ric gives an annual talk on the State of Specialty Coffee. We’ve given that talk a number of names over the years, like ‘Ric’s Fireside Chat’ and ‘Ric’s Doom And Gloom Warning’, but it’s become one of the most anticipated and valuable parts of our conference.

Janice Anderson | The State and Future of the Business of Coffee
Janice Anderson, CEO of Premium Quality Consulting, LLC., shares her research into the future of specialty coffee consumption, with a particular focus on the up-and-coming Generation Z.

The State and Future of the Coffee Economy
David Griswold moderates a panel with Lindsey Bolger, Phyllis Johnson, Teddy Esteve, Christine Condo Umuhoza, and Kent Bakke at Re:co Symposium in Seattle in April 2018.

Letting Go of Sameness
We’ve grown accustomed to specialty coffee consumption growing at a fast pace, but some signs indicate it may be slowing. What could we stand to gain if we became more diverse in our approaches and offerings?

What Do Specialty Coffee Drinkers Actually Want from Us?
Customer feedback and SKU performance indicating consumer preferences challenges the roasting programs seen within many specialty coffee roasters. Can being more inclusive in roast profile offerings help specialty coffee thrive in the face of the current challenges?

Negotiating Place & Taste
Coffee businesses are constantly trying to strike a balance between “origin” and local culture, innovation, and tradition.

Designing & Building a Café
Explore the most critical issues (and mistakes) owners face during the design and build-out process when opening a new café across floor plan design, health and building codes, equipment, cost estimates, timelines, and more

Using Your Coffee Data as a Business Intelligence
Understanding what information can be collected and how it can help coffee businesses is easier than you’d expect.

Coffee is a Business (Whether You Like it or Not)
Owning and operating a coffee businesses is often a “dream,” but many operators are too bogged down working “in” their business instead of working “on” their business.

The Building Blocks of a Café
Since 2010, Ralf Rueller and his team at The Barn Coffee Roasters have been doing pioneering work in Berlin’s specialty coffee scene, exploring how to build an audience, lower barriers, and make specialty coffee work in the city.

The Evolution of Innovation
What is the relationship between specialty coffee’s drive for constant innovation and our apparent reverence for tradition? How can we push the boundaries of innovation?

Embracing Growth: The Opportunities of Broadening Specialty Coffee’s Appeal
The consumer mindset has changed significantly since 2010; what can we learn from businesses who have risen to this challenge? Nick Cho leads a panel with Isabella Raposeiras, Ian Williams, and Pamela Chng.

Getting to Know Gen Z
Each generation group is shaped by the social, political, economic, and technological change that takes place during their lifetime. What do we know about the next, up-and-coming generation of coffee consumers, Generation Z?

Is Specialty Coffee Maturing (as a Market)?
What do we mean when we say, “specialty coffee bubble”? What are the opportunities for differentiation in the specialty coffee retail market? Nick Cho leads a panel with Tracy Ging, Josh Owen, Teresa von Fuchs, and Dan McCloskey.

Education in Specialty Coffee: Engaging or Alienating?
Our industry has an emphasis on employee and customer education, but is it alienating?

Fast, Cheap, Good: Pick 2
As “specialty” and “convenience” no longer seem quite so opposed (especially with the growth of the RTD category), explore how companies balance consumer desire for fast, cheap, and good.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →