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Spotlight: Market Research
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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
Explore the Latest Resources

A New Wave? Training and Education for Coffee Professionals
What knowledge and practices are essential to today's coffee industry leaders? As coffee culture undergoes a transformative shift, learning and education are paramount.

Meet the SCA Coffee Directory
Get to know the SCA’s global platform for connecting buyers and sellers.

Connect with Buyers and Supplier Around the World
Learn more about the Specialty Coffee Association's Coffee Directory, a platform designed to help companies reach the SCA’s vast global network of professionals. An online portal, the SCA Coffee Directory is designed to help companies reach the SCA’s vast global network of professionals: Buyers can search company listings for products and services from various categories and by location.

The Evolution of Business: Understanding the Certified B Corp Model | Re:co 2021
Jessica Yinka Thomas shares a new model of business designed to maximize wellbeing, interdependence, and drive change.

Designing for Innovation: The Role of Uncertainty | Re:co 2021
What if you were told the things you've been experiencing throughout the pandemic—uncertainty and discomfort—are the very things that innovative and adaptable businesses not only tolerate, but embrace? Vaughn Tan explores both concrete examples of embracing uncertainty and abstract thought experiments to inspire exploration of your own business through the lens of innovative uncertainty.

Meaningful Innovation, Mutual Benefit: Creating Value by Delighting Customers | Re:co 2021
As consumers' demand for unique coffee experiences grow, so, too, does consumers' concern about the environment and the welfare of actors across the supply chain. Aleksander Robaszkiewicz asks: What can we learn from products and services creating new, immersive experiences while generating value for everyone involved?

From Procurement to Cobranding: A Path to Better Value Distribution | Re:co 2021
Luis Samper encourages us to shift the relationship between roasters and producers change from “procurement” to “co-branding partners.” This creates increased value for the producer, encourages relationships and innovation over time, and builds strong origin stories that engages consumers.

A Career in Coffee: Why It Can and Should Happen
While baristas and other coffee professionals may find it hard to make millions, they should be able to make sustainable wages while also developing as a professional. What are ways that cafés, roasting companies, and other coffee industry organizations can provide this working environment?

The Potential of Sustainable Economics in Specialty Coffee: The Story of Fuglen
Einar Holthe, Founder and CEO of Fuglen, shows us how retail can serve as a model for ways to improve cityscapes and build sustainable value chains beyond coffee.

Planning a Resilient Business
Vaughn Tan, Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at University College London's School of Management and author of The Uncertainty Mindset, provides some practical tips (and a free, easy-to-use tool) to help entrepreneurs plan businesses that work.

More than Advertising and Sales: Marketing Principles for Environmental, Social, and Financial Sustainability
Review concepts such as the value of setting strategic marketing objectives, target marketing and brand positioning, and the marketing mix—all through the lens of environmental, social, and financial sustainability.

Tech in Retail: The New Normal
Luisa Castellanos focuses on the merit of ever-evolving technology that helps operators better understand and better meet the customer’s needs.

Real Estate: The Current Landscape for Retail
Ariel Schuster discussed current trends in the market, the impact of the pandemic in commercial real estate, and new opportunities for retail tenants.

Competing Online in a Quickly Changing World
The online economy perpetually changes: what channels and tactics should you utilize to help you increase conversions and keep shoppers coming back?

Building Your Business Culture: A Design Thinking Approach
Review human-centered techniques and explore creativity tools to expand your ability to build the culture you want for your business.

Thinking of Opening a Coffee Shop?
What can current and aspiring coffee shop owners do to stand out in a crowded market?

Designing & Building a Café
Explore the most critical issues (and mistakes) owners face during the design and build-out process when opening a new café across floor plan design, health and building codes, equipment, cost estimates, timelines, and more

Using Your Coffee Data as a Business Intelligence
Understanding what information can be collected and how it can help coffee businesses is easier than you’d expect.

Coffee is a Business (Whether You Like it or Not)
Owning and operating a coffee businesses is often a “dream,” but many operators are too bogged down working “in” their business instead of working “on” their business.

The Building Blocks of a Café
Since 2010, Ralf Rueller and his team at The Barn Coffee Roasters have been doing pioneering work in Berlin’s specialty coffee scene, exploring how to build an audience, lower barriers, and make specialty coffee work in the city.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →