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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
Explore the Latest Resources

Retail Technology: What, When, and How Can it Benefit Your Business?| Panel Discussion | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (US)
In this panel discussion, Damian Durda, Green Coffee Buyer and Partner at Nemesis Coffee and Ratnagiri Estate, Ron Shuler, Chief Operating Officer at Joe Coffee Company and Sam Spillman, Director of Coffee and Customer Experience at Caffe Vita Coffee Roasting Co, talks to SCA’s Elizabeth Odulshola about technology in the retail business.

Making Sense of Macro Data: Using the US Market Overview Report | Kim Elena Ionescu | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (US)
Kim Elena Ionescu shares insights from the US Market Report and what we can learn from it.

A Conversation with Dominika Poniatowska | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (Europe)
Dominika Poniatowska is a high class market and insights analyst. She gained professional experience in the consulting, FMCG and retail industries. For almost 10 years associated with areas such as category management, shopper insights and revenue growth management. For almost 6 years she worked for the beverage market leader where she actively translated the corporate strategy into the sale of beverages. At the beginning of 2018 she joined Costa Coffee team where currently is responsible for portfolio management including matching the assortment to sales segments, determining pricing strategy and adapting promotional mechanisms to shopper needs.

A Conversation with Michael Nagel | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (Europe)
Michael Nagel leads the International Expansion of BibeCoffee, a Telemetry solution that makes it possible to connect both semi-automatic barista machines and fully automatic machines of any brand on one platform. BibeCoffee helps coffee roasters and chains to standardize cup quality, transform commercial models and streamline maintenance.

Scaling for Good | Jessica Worden | Coffee Retail Summit (Europe)
Jessica is most well known for leading GAIL's Bakery to define good coffee in the hearts and minds of neighborhoods across London and surrounding areas. She is passionate about building inclusive cultures, celebrating craft and creating opportunities for personal development through coffee. In her role as Head of Coffee, she focusses on building sustainable business growth strategies to scale and celebrate specialty coffee. Jessica fundamentally believes that the specialty coffee industry can be a vehicle for local and global change.

A New Framework for Defining Specialty Coffee: The Attributes Conception | Re:co 2021
Peter Giuliano introduces a new way to define specialty coffee through the attributes conception, which expands our understanding of “specialty” into the realm of coffee experiences.

Consumer Perception of Craft Chocolate and Desirable Product Attributes | Re:co 2021
What can consumers tell us about craft chocolate, and therefore, about specialty coffee consumer preferences? To understand American premium chocolate consumer perception of craft chocolate and desirable chocolate product attributes, Dr. Allison Brown conducted a mixed-methods study using focus groups and projective mapping.

The Evolution of Business: Understanding the Certified B Corp Model | Re:co 2021
Jessica Yinka Thomas shares a new model of business designed to maximize wellbeing, interdependence, and drive change.

What Can We Learn from Each Other? The Changing Definition of Fine Wine | Re:co 2021
As we grapple with our own definition of “specialty,” Pauline Vicard shares ARENI’s journey of defining “fine wine” and explores opportunities for mutual learnings between industries.

Designing for Innovation: The Role of Uncertainty | Re:co 2021
What if you were told the things you've been experiencing throughout the pandemic—uncertainty and discomfort—are the very things that innovative and adaptable businesses not only tolerate, but embrace? Vaughn Tan explores both concrete examples of embracing uncertainty and abstract thought experiments to inspire exploration of your own business through the lens of innovative uncertainty.

Meaningful Innovation, Mutual Benefit: Creating Value by Delighting Customers | Re:co 2021
As consumers' demand for unique coffee experiences grow, so, too, does consumers' concern about the environment and the welfare of actors across the supply chain. Aleksander Robaszkiewicz asks: What can we learn from products and services creating new, immersive experiences while generating value for everyone involved?

From Procurement to Cobranding: A Path to Better Value Distribution | Re:co 2021
Luis Samper encourages us to shift the relationship between roasters and producers change from “procurement” to “co-branding partners.” This creates increased value for the producer, encourages relationships and innovation over time, and builds strong origin stories that engages consumers.

A Glimpse of the Future: Seven Signs | Re:co 2021
Bill Murray of the US National Coffee Association offers seven signs that point towards our sector’s future post-pandemic.

The Home Experience: Expanding the "Slow Coffee" Segment
Due to distancing and mobility restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, specialty coffee consumption has been shifted from shops to home. Which marketing tools could be relevant to influence the coffee drinking experience outside the coffee shop? Results on the latest research showing how product-extrinsic factors influence consumers’ sensory and hedonic judgments of specialty coffee will be presented.

A Conversation with Roland Horne, CEO, WatchHouse
Stephen Morrissey speaks with Roland Horne about WatchHouse’s rapid expansion and diversification, the challenges this poses, tactics for standing out, and the reason for the brand’s inception in 2014.

The Importance of a Strong Team to Support Your Vision
Specialty coffee thrives on big visions, but successful retail coffee businesses thrive on more than vision alone.

Don’t Be Afraid of Change: Designing Coffee Business Success
Growing from a specialty coffee takeaway shop to a 500 shops in seven countries requires learning as you go, designing customer experiences, and—of course!—not being afraid of change.

Big Brands, Small Companies
Branding, events, digital engagement, packaging, anchor visuals in the design of the space: is investing in all these things critical for success in a market more accustomed to the novelty of latte art?

The Potential of Sustainable Economics in Specialty Coffee: The Story of Fuglen
Einar Holthe, Founder and CEO of Fuglen, shows us how retail can serve as a model for ways to improve cityscapes and build sustainable value chains beyond coffee.

Futureproofing Coffee Retail: Making Decisions to Provide for Your Business Tomorrow
Lynsey Harley’s story provides insight on how to take chances and approach futureproofing your retail coffee business.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →