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Spotlight: Market Research
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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
Explore the Latest Resources

Not Just a World of Coffee: Connecting Coffee, Wine, and Cacao
NOA BERGER explores how the “field” of coffee was inspired by (and inspires) related industries like fine wine, cacao, and—more recently—vanilla, and queries its impacts.

Mapping the Market: An Overview of Plant-Based Beverages’ Sensory Attributes
The market for plant-based beverages continues to grow rapidly as people look for ways to make more sustainable choices. However, it is also increasingly difficult for consumers to orientate themselves because of the wide variety of raw materials used to make plant-based drinks.

Consumer Perception of Craft Chocolate and Desirable Product Attributes | Re:co 2021
What can consumers tell us about craft chocolate, and therefore, about specialty coffee consumer preferences? To understand American premium chocolate consumer perception of craft chocolate and desirable chocolate product attributes, Dr. Allison Brown conducted a mixed-methods study using focus groups and projective mapping.

What Can We Learn from Each Other? The Changing Definition of Fine Wine | Re:co 2021
As we grapple with our own definition of “specialty,” Pauline Vicard shares ARENI’s journey of defining “fine wine” and explores opportunities for mutual learnings between industries.

An Obsession with Scale - 25, Issue 5
If we zoom in on the world of specialty chocolate, we learn that there is a category of companies that fetishizes the small, the handmade, and the laboriously produced. CARLA D. MARTIN, PhD explores the concepts of commodity, craft, and taste in specialty chocolate.

How to Win with Consumers in the “New Era” | Re:co 2020
How can the specialty coffee industry demonstrate its ethos through exciting integrated marketing initiatives?

When Customer Demand Clashes with Core Values | 25, Issue 7
Learn how three core (and seemingly conflicted) tenets of people, planet, and profits guides the decision-making process at TS Designs.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →