Welcome to the SCA’s Coffee Retail Summit, a home for coffee business resources.
Spotlight: Market Research
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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
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Introduction | Coffee Retail Summit 2022
Welcome to Coffee Retail Summit 2022! Talks and discussions in this year’s virtual event included insights for companies considering international expansion, profiles of brands using new technology to deepen their in-person and digital relationships with customers, and strategies for building a healthy workplace culture in the coming months and years.
Each day of Coffee Retail Summit 2022 focused on a different region and featured a set of speakers with experience in the markets they were discussing. Featured regions were Europe, Unites States, and Korea.
In this introduction, SCA’s Kim Elena Ionescu gives an overview of the current state of the coffee retail market and what you can expect from the event.

Making Sense of Macro Data: Using the US Market Overview Report | Kim Elena Ionescu | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (US)
Kim Elena Ionescu shares insights from the US Market Report and what we can learn from it.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →