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Spotlight: Market Research
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Exploring the Growth of the “Coffee And” Segment
As a move towards the "functional" grips the beverage sector, how might this trend shape opportunities for specialty coffee products and consumers?
Jim Watson explores the current market categories and trends in the US, specifically the growth of the "coffee and" segment.

25 Feature
ESG for You and Me
For organizations striving to understand where profitability intersects with non-financial factors, the term ESG may be just as familiar as sustainability. KELLEM EMANUELE offers an ESG primer tailored for the coffee industry. →
Explore the Latest Resources

Jaago and Smell the Coffee: Deanonymizing (and Decolonizing) Indian Coffee
Origin stories do more than add color to your cup: these extrinsic attributes are an integral part of determining the price we pay (and that farmers earn) for coffee.

Consuming More than Coffee: Emerging Trends, Mediating Taste
As specialty coffee reaches new markets—and the number of individuals making these choices increases—it becomes increasingly enmeshed with our sense of identity. We constantly navigate brands (personal and product) in online and real-life spaces—how can we use signifiers across these various brand landscapes to better connect with consumers? What trends are emerging inside—and out—of the sector, and how can we leverage them?

Learning from the Spiritual Home of Specialty Coffee
Dagmawi I.E. re-introduces Ethiopian coffee and its consumption, tracing emerging trends in Ethiopia and situating them in context to trends seen in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. Traditional and emerging markets alike can learn from Ethiopia's lessons in charting a way forward through in their own unique context.

Vietnam: A New Vocabulary
Will Frith, Founder of Building Coffee in Ho Chi Minh City, believes it’s past time for a new narrative about Vietnam, and not only as a coffee producing country – Vietnam’s coffee retail and consumption trends point to new ways for coffee drinkers to connect to each other internationally and across supply chains domestically.

Intersecting Identities: Understanding Israel's Booming Specialty Market
Using her experience studying specialty coffee in France (a traditional market) and Brazil (a domestic market), Noa Berger shares more about an exciting intersection of cultural identity and specialty coffee driving the growth of the Israeli specialty coffee market.

Evolving Experience: Different Approaches to Meeting Customer Expectations in 2022 | Panel Discussion | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (Europe)
What are the customer expectations in 2022, and how do you meet them? This panel discussion features Pascal Herzog, Executive at ViCAFE and Serafina Luginbühl, Finance & Business Development Manager at Kaffeezentrale Switzerland.

Making Sense of Macro Data: Using the US Market Overview Report | Kim Elena Ionescu | Coffee Retail Summit 2022 (US)
Kim Elena Ionescu shares insights from the US Market Report and what we can learn from it.

French Coffee Refined and Redefined - 25, Issue 9
As the specialty coffee market grows to become an integral part of local culture, it also negotiates “local” and “global” in new ways. NOA BERGER traces how French cafés and roasters navigate the “glocalization” of specialty coffee.

A Conversation with Roland Horne, CEO, WatchHouse
Stephen Morrissey speaks with Roland Horne about WatchHouse’s rapid expansion and diversification, the challenges this poses, tactics for standing out, and the reason for the brand’s inception in 2014.

The Importance of a Strong Team to Support Your Vision
Specialty coffee thrives on big visions, but successful retail coffee businesses thrive on more than vision alone.

Don’t Be Afraid of Change: Designing Coffee Business Success
Growing from a specialty coffee takeaway shop to a 500 shops in seven countries requires learning as you go, designing customer experiences, and—of course!—not being afraid of change.

Big Brands, Small Companies
Branding, events, digital engagement, packaging, anchor visuals in the design of the space: is investing in all these things critical for success in a market more accustomed to the novelty of latte art?

The Potential of Sustainable Economics in Specialty Coffee: The Story of Fuglen
Einar Holthe, Founder and CEO of Fuglen, shows us how retail can serve as a model for ways to improve cityscapes and build sustainable value chains beyond coffee.

Futureproofing Coffee Retail: Making Decisions to Provide for Your Business Tomorrow
Lynsey Harley’s story provides insight on how to take chances and approach futureproofing your retail coffee business.

All-Day Store: Utilizing Training and Hospitality to Create Retail Experiences
Learn more about the benefits and opportunities of expanding your opening hours and your offerings through coffee, wine, food, and hospitality.

Innovations & Trends in the Beverage Marketplace
Explore trends in non-alcoholic beverages and how they might apply to coffee retail, alcohol and wine market innovation and adaptation during the global pandemic, as well as the overall beverage shift to e-commerce and different models in the direct-to-consumer space.

The External Focus: How Coffee Retail Businesses Exist in Communities
Coffee Retail Businesses have always been central to community activities, whether its the meeting place for community organizers to kick off their projects and activities or the place to celebrate group accomplishments.

A Snapshot in Time: Contextualizing the Community Impact Surveys | 25, Issue 14
Now that we have two surveys under our belt and have just wrapped up a third, it’s time to ask ourselves: Was this a worthwhile endeavor? What did we learn? How can we do better?

Reimagining Coffee: A Wake-Up Call for Specialty | Re:co 2020
Three years from now, when this crisis has passed, will we be changed? What will it mean for specialty coffee?

Roaster/Retailer Benchmarking Report (2017)
Based on voluntarily-shared business data, this report identifies leading business practices and key performance indicators for specialty coffee roasters and retailers.

NEW Market Research
The 2019 US Coffee Market Overview
Periodically, since 2009, the SCA has published a US Coffee Market Overview, focused on the retail value of coffee in the US and the places where it is consumed →